Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Coming Together Of People

Today's society has seen many cases of racial tensions/clashes, fighting among people. What causes such events? Some say it is the disunity of people, the racial differences of people. Are such reasons really the causes of such events? Take, for example, the recent hot debate in Malaysia about the usage of the word “Allah”. Just because of this hot, even maybe violent, debate, racial tensions between the Muslims and Christians has been escalating. Some even went as far as burning churches.
Such events really are saddening, but I believe, no matter how bad racial tensions get, or how much people fight about things, there is always a deep compassion within a person for others around, even of it is his enemy, people just do not seem to realise such abilities of theirs.
The 2010 Haiti Earthquake which happened at 12th January 2010 is a very good example. The Haiti Earthquake was a 7.0 magnitude Earthquake and struck near Léogâne, approximately 25km west of Port-au-Prince. The earthquake has resulted in an estimated 200, 000 casualties.
Faced with serious casualties and huge losses in terms of the destruction of the buildings due to the earthquake, Haiti was in a dire situation. But, Haiti was not to face the situation all alone. Many countries responded to the earthquake with appeals for humanitarian aid, pledging funds and dispatching rescue and medical teams. This goes to show that every person has a compassion for others deep in their hearts, and people always unite together in the event of a disaster.
Remember the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake? It was an undersea megathrust earthquake which epicentre was off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The earthquake triggered waves of tsunamis which spread across the whole Indian Ocean and affected countries surrounding the Indian Ocean.
Similar to the Haiti earthquake, many countries responded by providing humanitarian aid to the badly affected countries.
Is not this all proves to a human’s compassion for others? Every person has a compassion hidden within him/her. After all, we are all human, and by right should be united to promote a better tomorrow for the next generation, not fighting among ourselves. If so, is not it logical for us to stop all these fights about racial rights, power and various issues?