Friday, March 6, 2009

How I Got My Scholarship To Study In Singapore

My hand phone rang. I stopped my essay-writing and reached into my pocket for my hand phone. What written in the message is this, "Hoe Leong, your sister is going to take part in the AMC mathematics competition!" I smiled absentmindedly. My sister really is working hard in order to get the scholarship to Singapore. My thoughts trailed to how I obtained my own scholarship...

My classmates were talking in the classroom. The classroom was noisy. Not long after that, footsteps were heard. The pupils immediately stopped their conversations. The teacher sauntered into the classroom.

"Class, stand! Good morning Mrs. Wong.", the class monitor raised his voice so that the whole class could hear what he was saying. Everybody stood and greeted the teacher. After that, they seated themselves. The classroom was hushed again.

"Okay, I have a notice here. There is a scholarship available to study in Singapore." This caught everyone's attention, and everybody began to listen attentively to what Mrs. Wong had to say. "But, we could only choose 2 boys and 2 girls for this scholarship. You will need to undergo some tests and an interview before you are able to obtain the scholarship, provided you did well in the tests. Whoever that is chosen will be tested on their Mathematics, English and IQ. We might as well choose someone who is good in these two subjects. This will increase their chance to obtain the scholarship. I am asking all your opinions. Who do you think should be chosen to take the test for the scholarship. Let us have a vote."

And we had a vote. In the end, 3 boys and 3 girls were chosen, and I was one of them. "Those who are chosen, please ask your parents if they are interested in taking this test for the scholarship. If all of your parents are interested, we will have to eliminate 2 of you.", and after my teacher said this, she left the classroom. The classroom immediately burst into conversations. "What do you think? Who do you think will be able to take the test?" I heard one of them said.

I went home and ask my parents whether they are interested, and naturally, without question, my parents were interested.

The next day, we had the results of who will be taking the test. I was one of them. I was so elated that I nearly jumped out of my seat when the teacher announced it to us. But, under the happiness, I felt a tinge of worriness-I was afraid that I was not able to obtain the scholarship.

After knowing that I was going to take the tests, my parents immediately bought some Mathematics and English practice books (Singapore's syllabus) for me to do. It was hoped that I would be able to answer the questions in the tests after doing the exercises.

After vigorous practices, the big day came. We went to SJK(C) Jalan Davidson to take the tests. Many students from other schools came to take the tests. After registering our names, we were brought to the examination classrooms. I was so nervous! Would I have to go back to my intended secondary school before we knew about the scholarship if I was not selected?

In the classroom, an examiner distributed the test papers. "Do not open the test papers unless I tell you to," the teacher voice was strict. The whole classroom was so quiet that a pin dropping on the floor will sound loud. "Okay, you may start to answer the questions." We began our test. Only the scratches of pens on papers were heard during the examination. Despite the long months of vigorous training, I still find the questions hard. At this point, I thought I would not be selected for the scholarship. How disappointed I felt! Although so, I finished the test in hope that I will be able to at least get into the interview.

The next two tests went on like that. But, before the second and third test, we had a lunch break.

When the tests ended, the teacher told us, " You will be receiving a call this night if you are chosen for the interview." I waited anxiously for the phone call. When it was 6 o'clock in the evening that day, my father received a phone call. I was chosen for the interview. It was so unexpected. I thought I did the tests very badly.

I also passed the interview the other day. I was one of the last to be interviewed. I was interviewed by the Director of the Aphelion Consortium, Mrs. Ke and another teacher in Hwa Chong Institution, Mr. Ang (Mind you, I didn't know who they were that time. But , that might be good because I might become more nervous if I knew who they were). They asked me many questions and I literally don't have the time to breathe before I was asked another question. But, after what seems like an eternity, they stopped asking me questions. They decided to award the scholarship to me.

My phone rang again. My father had sent another message to me. I will always be grateful that I was given the chance to study in Singapore.


  1. WOW!!!
    You described it very well!
    Keep it on!

  2. Wow! I did not know that getting a scholarship to come to Singapore took so much time and effort. I also want to congratulate you on getting the scholarship to come here and study, you have really worked hard to get the scholarship. The way you described the process of achieving the scholarship from the time your teacher came into the classroom to the point where you found out that you had obtained the scholarship.

  3. Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on a job well done. You wrote this blog post very well. You made this post very exciting by using different point of views. You used the first person point of view to express your personal feelings towards each situation and I think that this was very great and smart. I also feel that your vocabulary level is very high.

    Secondly, I would like to personally congratulate you because you worked very hard to get this scholarship and in the end you managed to aghieve this goal.

  4. This is a great post, Hoe Leong. This has a great sense of narrative. It's also very interesting to discover how you got the scholarship to study in Singapore, and along with your classmates, I congratulate you on making it here.
