Sunday, April 12, 2009

English Debate Competition

I was in my classroom, after having my lunch in the canteen. I was going to have my SELP lesson on 2p.m. sharp. SELP was a lesson conducted for Malaysian Scholars to help them to improve their English. As usual, the 28 Sec 1 Malaysian Scholars began to come into the classroom as the time for the lesson edged closer. But then, a senior came into the room, and announced that there is an English Debate competition at 2p.m., and we could stand to win ACE points if we wrote a report about the debate competition and submit to our English teacher.

Jun-Yu was immediately excited. He was excited about the chance of able to obtain ACE points and he was talking, no, literally shouting about it because in my opinion, his voice could be heard throughout the whole classroom. But, there was a problem. The SELP lesson was to be held at 2p.m., which meant that the English debate competition that was to be held at also 2p.m. clashed in terms of when it was going to be held.

We had to get permission from our SELP teacher, Mr. Jeffrey Lim so that we would be excused from the SELP lesson to watch the debate competition. We waited for Mr. Jeffrey Lim to come to the classroom. Suddenly, time seemed to drag along rather than move in its usual fast pace. Every day, we groaned of the time that moved so fast that we literally don't have time to just take a breath. But today, we moaned of the time that drag along so slowly that we were fervently wishing it would move faster. Finally, after nearly fifteen to twenty minutes of long and boring waiting, the sound of Mr. Jeffrey Lim footsteps could be heard.

Everybody immediately rushed to him and requested to watch the English debate competition. Mr. Jeffry agreed, but he wanted to make sure every Sec. 1 Malaysian scholar would be watching this debate competition. Some of the Malaysian scholars hadn't arrived yet, so we had to wait again. But, they came soon enough, and we rushed to the auditorium as we were already late.

When we entered the air-conditioned auditorium, most of the people have already arrived and settled down in their seats. I chose a seat and sat down into comfortable fabric seat. There, at the stage, tables and chairs were arranged on it, allowing the panelists to have a comfortable debate.

After the everybody had settled down, the chairman of the debate competition started the debate competition. The competition was very fierce. All of them debated ferociously in the competition, each not wanting to lose to the other. At times they talked so fast I don't even know what they are talking about. 

Some time into the competition, water leaked from the ceiling of the auditorium onto the table placed on the stage. The chairman had to moved to the other side of the auditorium.

Finally, the debate ended. It was a totally new experience for me to watch a debate, as I have never watch a debate before. It was an experience that I will treasure in years to come.

1 comment:

  1. I am Lim Eu Gene from class 1A3 and I would like to comment on this blog post. There seems to be some nice details in the post about the expressions of the students when they heard the news form Mr Jeffrey. This should portrait you as a observant student in writing, which will definitely help you in your essay writing. There area also interesting points about Jun-Yu very desperate in getting ACE points for English. This will add a touch of humor in the post and liven the mood there. Try to talk about your feelings too, give a personal thought into the blog. This will show that you have feelings of your own too, instead of showing yourself as a cameraman who films everything except yourself. Be more lively! Generally, this blog post is good and I would like you to read this comment. Keep improving and try to add some vocabulary in it. Cheers.
