Saturday, April 18, 2009

Interview Of Which Book My Father Liked To Read

Some time ago, I had interviewed my father on what he liked to read the most. My teacher, Mr. Lundberg, requested that we do that interview.

My father had a very great liking towards the Eragon Inheritance Cycle (by Christopher Paolini), which comprises the books Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr and final book concluding the story that haven't been published.

The Eragon Inheritance Cycle is about a boy named Eragon. Eragon was a normal boy living with his uncle and cousin. His life changed drastically when he found a stone in the Spine. Eragon thought that it was just a stone, but in actual fact it is an dragon egg. The dragon egg hatched out into a baby dragon, so Eragon secretly raised the dragon up. Unfortunately, his uncle was killed by two weird creatures. To have his revenge, Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, began a adventure with Brom to track down the two strange creatures.

My father started to read the story last year. I happen to see a classmate of mine reading Eragon. I got interested in it and asked my father if I could have the books to read. My father had also read the books when he saw the books. Honestly, it was also one of my favourite books. My father enjoyed reading the books.

My father liked and treasured the Eragon Inheritance Cycle because:

  • The author Christopher Paolini started writing the book when he was only 15 years old. It was known that Christopher Paolini was home-schooled, unlike other teenagers. It was a remarkable achievement.
  • The author displayed his amazing imagination in his book of a fantasy world by describing the world of where dragons, humans, elves and dwarves lived side by side.
  • It often make my father relieve his stress, often he was so absorbed in the story that he often felt that he was in the story himself.
  • The author was excellent in his language. After reading his story, it was obvious that his language was very developed, even though he was home-schooled.
  • The books the author wrote was a best-seller.

My father is still anxiously waiting for the last and concluding book of the story.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

English Debate Competition

I was in my classroom, after having my lunch in the canteen. I was going to have my SELP lesson on 2p.m. sharp. SELP was a lesson conducted for Malaysian Scholars to help them to improve their English. As usual, the 28 Sec 1 Malaysian Scholars began to come into the classroom as the time for the lesson edged closer. But then, a senior came into the room, and announced that there is an English Debate competition at 2p.m., and we could stand to win ACE points if we wrote a report about the debate competition and submit to our English teacher.

Jun-Yu was immediately excited. He was excited about the chance of able to obtain ACE points and he was talking, no, literally shouting about it because in my opinion, his voice could be heard throughout the whole classroom. But, there was a problem. The SELP lesson was to be held at 2p.m., which meant that the English debate competition that was to be held at also 2p.m. clashed in terms of when it was going to be held.

We had to get permission from our SELP teacher, Mr. Jeffrey Lim so that we would be excused from the SELP lesson to watch the debate competition. We waited for Mr. Jeffrey Lim to come to the classroom. Suddenly, time seemed to drag along rather than move in its usual fast pace. Every day, we groaned of the time that moved so fast that we literally don't have time to just take a breath. But today, we moaned of the time that drag along so slowly that we were fervently wishing it would move faster. Finally, after nearly fifteen to twenty minutes of long and boring waiting, the sound of Mr. Jeffrey Lim footsteps could be heard.

Everybody immediately rushed to him and requested to watch the English debate competition. Mr. Jeffry agreed, but he wanted to make sure every Sec. 1 Malaysian scholar would be watching this debate competition. Some of the Malaysian scholars hadn't arrived yet, so we had to wait again. But, they came soon enough, and we rushed to the auditorium as we were already late.

When we entered the air-conditioned auditorium, most of the people have already arrived and settled down in their seats. I chose a seat and sat down into comfortable fabric seat. There, at the stage, tables and chairs were arranged on it, allowing the panelists to have a comfortable debate.

After the everybody had settled down, the chairman of the debate competition started the debate competition. The competition was very fierce. All of them debated ferociously in the competition, each not wanting to lose to the other. At times they talked so fast I don't even know what they are talking about. 

Some time into the competition, water leaked from the ceiling of the auditorium onto the table placed on the stage. The chairman had to moved to the other side of the auditorium.

Finally, the debate ended. It was a totally new experience for me to watch a debate, as I have never watch a debate before. It was an experience that I will treasure in years to come.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Nothing But The Truth (P.O.V. of Alison Doresett)

The two days of Philip's suspension was up. Today Philip Malloy would come back to school. He deserved the suspension. He should not receive such support from the public. He lied that he was singing the national anthem, but in fact he was just humming the song and was indeed causing a disturbance in the class. I bet he did not even know the words to the national anthem. Philip Malloy had claimed that he was just singing the national anthem out of patriotism. The newspaper had written about this. The public reacted very greatly. The fact that he would be back at school today led my mind to the day all the trouble of this started......

Today I had to attend Miss Narwin's homeroom class. Without any anticipation of what would happen next, I sauntered into the room. Many students, including Philip, had already come into the classroom. Even Miss Narwin had already entered the classroom.

"...For the moment just take any seat you wish. We'll work out particulars problems a bit later on. Yes?" Miss Narwin was saying.

"Am I supposed to be in this room?" asked a student.

Many students were asking whether they should be in this homeroom. Even I myself asked once just to make sure that I was in the correct room. It seems to me that the changing of homeroom assignments was a bit of a mess. Many students were not sure which homeroom they were assigned to. Just then, in the middle of the confusion, the sound of the intercom voice of Dr. Doane, our school principal, was heard. We were asked to stand up and listen to the national anthem.

The song of the national anthem was being played. Everybody was standing silently...for now. But then, a loud humming could be heard. It was truly disturbing.

"Is that someone humming?" Miss Narwin enquired.

Nobody answered.

"I don't know who that is, but you heard Dr. Doane request silence." Miss Narwin said. Apparently, Miss Narwin looked irritated. When the national anthem was played, we were requested to stand respectfully and silently. It looks like someone had broken a rule.

Miss Narwin had found out the person. "Is that you, Philip?" Miss Narwin asked through the voice of the national anthem.

"Just humming." Philip looked indifferent. He has just broken the rule!

Naturally, Miss Narwin stopped him from humming. Philip stopped humming, but he was reluctant in his actions.

The next day, we were in Miss Narwin's homeroom class again. Again, the national anthem was played. The loud and disturbing humming was heard. It was Philip again. This time, he was persistent in his humming of the national anthem. With an irritated and angry voice, Miss Narwin sent Philip to the vice principal's, Dr. Palleni, office. It looked reasonable to me. Philip was indeed making a nuisense of himself.

The next day, Philip was again causing a disturbance by humming in the classroom. This time, not only was he persistent in his humming, he even retorted Miss Narwin. He was sent to Dr. Palleni's office again. Why must he get himself into trouble for such a minor matter?

After that, I heard from my friends that Philip was suspended. He deserved it. It's not that Miss Narwin did not give him a chance to correct his mistakes. He chose the option of suspension himself.

What make this incident so special is that the newspapers actually wrote about it. It was very one-sided and it was in favour of Philip. It was very unfair to Miss Narwin as nobody ever listened to the story in Miss Narwin's point of view. Nobody had ever spread this incident to the reporters. It must be Philip who had spreaded this incident to the public. The news spread very quickly and soon the whole nation knew about it. People were angry with Miss Narwin. In the end, Miss Narwin had to resign her job as a teacher.

The sight of Philip Malloy interrupted my train of thought. I was irritated with him. How could he be so unfair to Miss Narwin?

"Philip!"I almost shrieked at him.

"Oh, hi,"He did not seem to notice my fury at him.

"I just want you to know that I think what you did was really mean."

"What?"He actually did not seem to know what I was talking about.

"Narwin is one of the best teachers. All the kids say so. It's really embarrassing."

"What are you talking about?"

"You were just doing that to annoy her" I was not willing to tell him exactly what I was talking about. He should know.


"Miss Narwin. Everybody knows it. She's so fair."And with that sentence, I turned and walked away without a glance back to Philip Malloy.

"That's not true! Well, if you're not even going to listen...!"His voice turned softer and softer as the distance between us lengthened, until I heard no more.