Sunday, February 28, 2010


I was checking on the test booking website for any coming tests when the webpage finally got downloaded.
What I found got me cry in despair.
I had a week crammed full of tests, averaging on about 2 tests a day, with the dreaded history test included in it.
That was a week ago, and I must say, it was an “enlightening” experience.
Stress is often part and parcel of student life. Everybody needs a little stress to get things done well. But sometimes, stress can be overwhelming and unhealthy.
Therefore, how should we reduce stress? I think below are some of the main ways to reduce stress:
i) Consult a teacher/friend/counsellor when you feel stressed. Do not keep all your stress/worries in your mind. You need to vent out your frustration. Do not be afraid of other people knowing your personal affairs. If you do not trust your friend, find another reliable friend.
ii) Get a hobby. Do not just think about studying the whole time. Take up a hobby, and do it as a relaxation activity for yourself. You would be surprised how effective this solution is!
iii) Do not always think about past disappointments or failures. Think about how you can improve on your work in the future instead. Be optimistic, not pessimistic. You will just give yourself unnecessary stress.
iv) Understand that there are some things in this world that we cannot control. Do not feel sad over your lousy test marks if you had a fever when you were taking the test.
I hope by providing you these tips, your stress can be reduced and your life would be more enjoyable.

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