Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Multiple Intelligence test

If you have not done your learning profile/ style assessment last year, please go to the following link to find out more about your learning profile/ style. http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks3/ict/multiple_int/questions/choose_lang.cfm Post your learning profile on your blog and write in no less than 100 words the implications or what you feel about the Multiple Intelligence test.

Learning Profile Result (Highest to lowest)
1. Intrapersonal
2. Linguistic/logical
3. Naturalistic
4. Visual /Spatial/Naturalistic
5. Kinaestheic
6. Musical/Interpersonal
The Multiple Intelligence test gave me much insight on my learning style. Hence, I will be better informed and will be able plan my learning activities better according to my learning style.
I would be able know what are my weaknesses and strength. My strength, such as “intrapersonal”, can be used when studying for tests and exams; my weaknesses, such as musical and interpersonal, should be spent time on developing, so that I will be a multi-sided intelligent person.
According to http://www.mypersonality.info/multiple-intelligences/intrapersonal/, an intrapersonal person is:
· Introverted
· Prefers working alone
· Philosophical
· Self-aware
· Perfectionist
· Often think of self employment
· Enjoys journaling
· Intuitive
· Independent
· Spends time thinking and reflecting
· Likes learning about self
Based on this report, I will:
· Study alone. I enjoy working alone. I will not do well studying in a team as I do not like to socialize.
· Continue to spend some time a day thinking and reflecting. Reflecting on past events allows me to evaluate my performance on those events. Based on my performance, I can then decide on the amount of practice I need to improve or at least maintain my standard of my performance.
Musical /interpersonal being my weakness, I will avoid learning styles involving musicality and interpersonal as I will not be able work well with it.
I hope with this information, I will be able to study better.

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